Saturday, 16 August 2014

QTP Action Parameterization


The basic component of a QTP Test is an action. This document starts with a brief introduction on QTP Test, Test flow and Actions followed by stepwise guidelines for using test and action parameters in a QTP Test.

2. Test and Test Flow

One ‘Test’ can have multiple actions and the test flow (sequence of actions) can be done by drag and drop of actions within the test in ‘Keyword View’. The test flow can be viewed in ‘Keyword View’ by selecting ‘Test Flow’ in the dropdown in ‘Keyword View’

3. Actions

Actions can be specific to a test or can be reusable actions. An ‘Action’ can be made reusable by checking the checkbox ‘Reusable Action’ in ‘Action Properties’ (Right Click in Expert View of an ‘Action’-> Action -> Action Properties OR Right click on any Action name in Keyword View -> Action Properties)

3.1 Reusable Actions

Actions within the test which are reusable can be called as:
RunAction “Action Name within the Test”, oneIteration

Actions outside the current test which are reusable can be called as:
RunAction “Action Name [Test Name]”, oneIteration

3.2 Deleting Actions

Actions can be deleted from a ‘Test’ by right clicking on the ‘Action’ name in ‘Keyword View’ selecting ‘Delete’ from the drop down list.

Note: If any reusable action’s name is changed, it will affect all the calls to that action. So the already existing calls have to be deleted and replaced with new calls to that action.

4. Test and Action Parameters

4.1 Test Parameters

Test parameters can be set by selecting Parameters tab in File->Settings

Input Test parameters are used to pass values to the Test from any external source.

When a test runs, the actual values used for parameters are generally those sent by the application calling the test (either Quick Test or Quality Center) as described below:
Quick Test: Parameters sent through ‘Input Parameters tab of the Run dialog box’

Quality Center: Test Run Properties dialog box (Test Lab module)

Output Test parameters are used to pass values to any external source from the test.

4.2 Action Parameters

Action parameters can be set through Parameters tab in ‘Action Properties’ dialog box (Right Click in Expert View of an ‘Action’-> Action -> Action Properties OR Right click on any Action name in Keyword View -> Action Properties)

Input parameters of an action are used to pass values to the action from elsewhere in the test. Input values for an action parameter can be retrieved from the test (for a top-level action) or from the parameters of the parent action that calls it (for a nested action), or from the output of a previous action call (for a sibling action).
Output parameters for an action are used to return values from the action which can be used later in the test. For example, you can output a parameter value to a parent action so that a later nested action can use the value.

4.3 Passing Input Test Parameters to Actions

Test Input parameters can be accessed in actions only by parameterizing the value of a top-level action input parameter. If nested actions or child actions has to access the Test Input Parameters, then it has to be passed through the Parent actions.

Following steps have to be followed in order to access Input Test Parameters in actions which are at the top level (actions sequenced in Test Flow).
  1. Define the input test parameter (File > Settings > Parameters tab) with the value that you want to use later in the test.
  1. Define an input action parameter for the top level action (Here for the action ‘Start’) (Edit > Action > Action Properties > Parameters tab) with the same value type as the input test parameter.
  1. Parameterize the input action parameter value (Edit > Action > Action Call Properties > Parameter Values tab) using the input test parameter value you specified above. Click on the ‘Parameterize’ icon in the ‘Value’ column and a new dialog box will open as below through which the action parameter (Here ‘a’) can be made to get the value of test parameter (Here ‘a’)
Once the above parameterization is done, the test input parameters can be accessed inside the action (Here ‘Start’) by using the following statement in Expert View,
Dim Var1 = Parameter (“a”)
The same can be stored in a user defined environment variable by using the following statement,
Environment (“Environment Variable Name”) = Parameter (“a”)

4.4 Passing Input Test Parameters to nested actions

After passing the test input parameters to the top level actions, the same can be passed to the nested actions (child actions) by following the below steps.
  1. Define an input action parameter for the action that has been called by another action (Here ‘Start’ calling ‘ReusableOne’) (Edit > Action > Action Properties > Parameters tab) with the same value type as the input test parameter in the calling action (Here ‘Start’).
  2. Parameterize the input action parameter value. Choose Edit > Action > Action Call Properties > Parameter Values tab and select the input action parameter value as specified in the calling action (Here ‘Start’).
By doing the above step in ‘Keyword View’, the parameter arguments will be added as ‘Parameter Utility Object’ in the ‘Run Action’ statement in ‘Expert View’.
The same can be achieved through scripting by using the Parameter Utility object as the parameter argument for ‘Run Action’ statement in ‘Expert View’ as given below.
RunAction "ActionName", oneIteration, "Input Parameter 1", "Input Parameter 2",..,"Input Parameter n",  “Output Parameter 1”,“Output Parameter 2”,..,“Output Parameter n”
RunAction "ReusableOne", oneIteration, Parameter("a")
Steps 4 and 5 can be repeated as required when the input test parameters have to be passed to other nested actions from the first level nested action. Say here, ‘Start’ is calling ‘ReusableOne’ action and sends the input test parameter ‘a’ to ‘Reusable One’ action. Similarly, ‘ReusableOne’ action can pass this parameter to the actions which it is calling.

4.5 Passing Output Test Parameters from Actions

Test Output parameters can be passed from the actions to the Test from specifying the storage location for a top-level output parameter (Output Parameter at the top level action Here ‘Start’).

Following steps have to be followed in order pass the values to Output Test Parameters from actions which are at the top level (actions sequenced in Test Flow).
  1. Define the output test parameter (File > Settings > Parameters tab) with the value that you want to use later in the test.
  1. Define an output action parameter for the top level action (Here for the action ‘Start’) (Edit > Action > Action Properties > Parameters tab) with the same value type as the input test parameter.
  1. Store the output action parameter value (Edit > Action > Action Call Properties > Parameter Values tab) in the Output Action Parameter.
  1. Click on the ‘Store in’ icon in the ‘Store In’ column and the Storage Options dialog box will open as below through which the output action parameter value can be passed (Here ‘OutputParamOne’) to output test parameter (Here ‘OutputParamOne’)
Once the above parameterization is done, the action (Here ‘Start’) can pass values to test output parameters by using the following statement in Expert View,
Dim output = “Success”
Parameter (“OutputParamOne”) = output

4.6 Passing Output Test Parameters from nested actions

An action which is nested (not a top level action) can pass values to output test parameters by following the below steps.
  1. Define an output action parameter for the action that has been called by another action (Here ‘Start’ calling ‘ReusableOne’) (Edit > Action > Action Properties > Parameters tab) with the same value type as the output test parameter in the calling action (Here ‘Start’).
  2. Store the output action parameter value. Choose Edit > Action > Action Call Properties > Parameter Values tab and click on ‘Store In’ icon and select the same output parameter from ‘Storage Options’ dialog box.
By doing the above step in ‘Keyword View’, the parameter arguments will be added as ‘Parameter Utility Object’ in the ‘Run Action’ statement in ‘Expert View’.
The same can be achieved through scripting by using the Parameter Utility object as the parameter argument for ‘Run Action’ statement in ‘Expert View’ as given below.
RunAction "ActionName", oneIteration, "Input Parameter 1", "Input Parameter 2",..,"Input Parameter n",  “Output Parameter 1”,“Output Parameter 2”,..,“Output Parameter n”
RunAction "ReusableOne", oneIteration, Parameter("a"), Parameter(“OutputParamOne”)
Here ‘a’ is the input test parameter passed to the child action from the parent action and ‘OutputParamOne’ is the output test parameter which is stored by the child action to the parent action.
Steps 5 and 6 can be repeated as required when values have to be passed from actions which are further nested from the first level nested action. If the output action parameter of the nested actions has to be passed to the test output parameters, then it has to be passed to the output parameter of the parent action and the parent action has to pass it to the Test output parameter.

4.7 Passing output Parameter of One action as Input Parameter to another action

Output parameter of one action can be passed as input parameter to another action only if both the actions are at the same hierarchical level.

In the above Test, ‘Start’, ‘FunctionalityOne’ and ‘FunctionalityTwo’ actions are at the same hierarchical level. Similarly, ‘One’, ‘Two’, ‘ReusableOne’ and ‘ReusableAction2 [Test4]’ are at the same hierarchical level.
For example, lets consider that the output parameter of action ‘One’ is passed as input parameter to action ‘Two’. Following are the steps to be followed to achieve this.
  1. Define an output parameter for action ‘One’ (Here ‘One2Two’) through ‘Action Properties’ dialog box.
  1. Define an input parameter with the same name in action ‘Two’ (Here ‘One2Two’) through ‘Action Properties’ dialog box.
  1. Parameterize the input parameter ‘One2Two’ of action ‘Two’ through ‘Action Call Properties’ by selecting the Parameter as ‘One2Two’ from ‘Output from previous action call(s)’ list.

Output value from action ‘One’ can be stored in the output parameter ‘One2Two’ by using the following statement,
Parameter(“One2Two”) = “Value”

If the input parameter ‘One2Two’ has to be used inside the action ‘Two’ itself, then it can be accessed as ‘Parameter (“One2Two”)’
Example: Dim Var1 = Parameter(“One2two”)

When action ‘Two’ has been called from another action, then the input parameter ‘One2Two’ can be provided using the Parameter Utility Object in the ‘Run Action’ statement as given below:

RunAction "Two", oneIteration, Parameter("One", "One2Two")

5. Conclusion

This document has discussed on passing parameters from a QTP Test to actions, from one action to another as well as returning parameters from actions to the calling Test.


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